ipp on Mac How to install?
Hi there, trying to download and install ipp for MacOs. Has anyone made it? Cannot figure it out. Seems the only way is to install Intel Parallel Studio for Mac. Any help?
Yes I have downloaded it and installed it, it's a bit of a dazzle 'cause you have to register at their site and get download links, here you register:
https://registrationcenter.intel.com/en/forms/?productid=2558&licensetype=2When you've done that you will be able to download it, it looks like this;
IPP 672 MB -
@ulrik was browsing and registered twice. But can't find the download page you posted in the img. Have a direct link for that? Thanks in advance
I'm not sure this link will work for you if you're not logged in?
https://registrationcenter.intel.com/en/products/postregistration/?dnld=t&SN=3VGW-WKCWCCLZ&EmailID=ulrik@musikboden.se&Sequence=2206012 -
@ulrik awesome!!! worked. Thanks a lot!
Hey guys,
Does anybody have an updated link to get the download for IPP on the Mac?
I've jumped through every hoop on the Intel site but strangely all links to downloads lead to dead ends. Tried registering several times but still no luck.
Very very strange that this is not a straight forward download and install
Help always appreciated.
So I've finally managed to get a download in progress.
It turns out that options to download do not appear when using Chrome on Mac OSX (currently).
I used Firefox instead and it worked perfectly.Now hopefully I can get this thing installed properly