Forum Update & Test
Forum update,..
design may be heavily broken.. fixin in process
I think i got most things updated.. If you find errors in the layout or functionality of the forum please let me know!
@Dominik-Mayer In "Users" the is no chose anymore to show, "online, etc...
@ulrik still problems when selecting "Who is online"
@ulrik wait a minute, it's supposed to be like this right?, yeah it's nice :)
Forget my post above -
The joined forum and last online is blank in other people's profiles
Timestamps for some posts aren't showing up, although refreshing the page a few times sometimes brings them back
Hamburger Menu Icon not showing up in mobile
Maybe this was the case before but the dark theme is broken in the search. The text still changes color but the inputs and the posts do not.
@Dominik-Mayer Advanced search disappeared, it was very useful
@ustk You can still get to it if you click the little cog/settings icon in the search bar - not as easy to find now though
Yeah I've it and did go to the page but the amount of options has been reducedEDIT: Oh no wait, my bad... There are some at the top of the page too !
It's just a bit hard to see the light-grey on white -
@Dominik-Mayer The difference between read and unread topics is almost unperceivable in dark mode
The same goes for the overview on the right panel when typing a new post
@Dominik-Mayer Hey Dominik
I just faced with an strange issue with Uploading Profile Images.
It shows me this error:
Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later.Please check
Still no chance to upload a picture 🫣
Jup,, imgur seems to be over.
Trying out some other hosters.. but still experimental and not sure if they work right away..Workaround till then:
Upload at paste the Embed Code > Html Fullcreen > <img scr= ""
into the image link "image url"

All best,
Dominik -
@Dominik-Mayer Any reason you can't host on your own server (or with Google/S3, etc)?
@Dominik-Mayer seeing a lot more excessive load warnings..