Link in vst
hello, I would like to create a button from the vst which will allow the user to go directly to the app data (windows) and applications support (mac) folder. in the preser browser it is possible to access it from "MORE" and import preset. does anyone know the link that allows you to go there directly? That would allow me to simplify the installation of expansion for example. thank you :)
@yall +1 On This Idea Mate
I searched for hours in the script of the preset brower looking for link ^^ nothing. so I thought to myself. why not simply modify the text of the "more" button and the text of the "open preset folder" option. I didn t succeed .. I think it would be the easiest. but the script is too complicated for me ^^
Yeah totally. This is really easy and I already posted on this topic here.
It's literally just:
Put that in a button callback.
@Lunacy-Audio you are a genius .. it seemed so simple ^^. suddenly it will redirect for mac and windows? I suppose so
Yup, should work on all operating systems.
@Lunacy-Audio thanks u :)
@Lunacy-Audio I just tried it is great. suddenly that references well in the file. is it possible to go directly to the expansion folder?
All of the documentation for the FileSystem API is here so you can see what special locations are available via scripting.
However, since the
isn't in the special locations yet, you'll need to do something like this:FileSystem.getFolder(FileSystem.AppData).getChildFile("Expansions").show();
@Lunacy-Audio thank you very much for these answers
Sure thing!
this function is interesting but does not open the file, it shows it. I can't get the expansions folder to be opened. an idea?
HiseSnippet 804.3ocsU0saSCCE1tqAQCzIlDO.Q6pToQUJrMPhKXq+gpftUQFSb2jmi6p0RriRbFqZZ75vKEOD7F.GmjtjNxl1pD4Je94y46b72wdRjjxhikQHbiilGxP3ma3NWnl0aFgKPi5ivqaLlDqXQVYt5NOjDGy7PX7ZeT6.2nNJ862enKwmHnrBWHzwRNk8Yd.WU3cxdeh66Oj3wNhGTJ6s2aDUJ5I8kI.eVyvAERnmSNic.QmVMCD9IC73JYjqhnXwPNckdycmI+tHK+i4w7S8YZiNHWXixbi5Mi66MYQsFiP35SJp70xp7WZLl6wuweQG3EoArJPTtGfqsLkpuDk5bWTZnz2SuA2A8vknW8L5sggKMhGpJhn41yLFIfCmoDnsWlVY4hp8SrQOIjgP0NfbNaXDXbCB6ccb1xZGGmVuuoYSStvmKXVSSDTEWJrjhtIJkTzQuCQReapLHTJf8ZKqKH9IrVMMupoYC9TK6E1Mrfugbel6bPzDz9LlJsTirK4b+vv9DEokNZZsqiYu4fKCIhX3OGuYq1wPKzVyqqS41hhPiXAKr2Lme5z09SYYOhu+oftw91zWuYkpsCjJ1gB6VlWY1v7ZSqaGZ5zJikuY9PEUUXshN59.ZKRBNkEsnCtHQ3XdYczSdX5HZVeoThRwHAWcXHK2tPo0oBkFJuwBq95H8ghV7k6CxKjEo3Z5f6yt.ljyjhML5yhOWICSyM+z.nrJM554B0rtOh6oAjeTftDgMv+B9ay0K9ArfGOVF.3IQfKbsXxErQhIQL3DUKjQ+6j.LOJ8R7IpkGR02FkG.53KMMnU7fxRMu7sUOhIWmJmbqre9.o6FFS3J5rp4asJ3Kbt7+lu42C1zXvzoLppfr0MF9sU8RuGAU9hLQwEmMlnh3ZcxAIAtvSATFvDgf4GqkL0zZ1LaGssty3xDdoF+A9xC1QaiyC1YQPT.gFIOglMKpuo8ood.NIRejoA7ZGXa0AkNeB3LbZ6fBfG.NgR0shWAbuZLudEv7lU.y1q.lcVAL6tBXd6Jf4c2KF8au6mnjAYiIfiICRunBiGHHfJKUQh9K.uveF7
@d-healey yes this is what I am using but it does not open folder extensions. you still have to click on it. j trying to figure out how to do it, but impossible.
you will tell me that it is not much use but I prefer that the user is not click on the folder to drag expansions (I am not using the installation system). because the users are often not gifted (like me ^^) -
@yall Works for me
Why not use the expansion installer? Then the user just clicks one button and selects the file.
@d-healey because I can not implement it. I only want to have one expansion. and simply provide a .hxi file and the sample folder. from time to time I could like that to send some presets for free. yes me too that opens the folder where the extension folder is located. but the extension folder is not open. that's what I'm trying to tell you ^^
Here's a complete implementation (without progress bar). Put it inside a button callback (button should be momentary with saveInPreset disabled).
reg file; inline function install() { Engine.showYesNoWindow("Select .hr1", "Please select the .hr1 file", function(x) { if (x) { FileSystem.browse("", false, "*.hr1", function(f) { file = f; Engine.showYesNoWindow("Samples Folder", "Please select the folder to install the samples", function(x) { if (x) { FileSystem.browseForDirectory("", function(dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { expHandler.installExpansionFromPackage(file, dir); } }); } }); }); } }); }
@d-healey Thank you. will the .hxi file be integrated into the hr1? if so, it is even better. because creating an installer and then manually dragging the .hxi file was the same as my operation. I'm going to try :)
@yall There is a guide here (it's slightly out of date) -
@d-healey yes on this subject I master. I have already created several extensions. I just tried in a button callback nothing happens :(