Debugging with Reaper
I have gotten a couple crash reports with one of my plugins within Reaper, so I'm trying to sort out where the issue is happening. Maybe someone has been down this road before.
When I launch the plugin, I'm getting a breakpoint before it loads at
jassert (sampleRate > 0 && rampLengthInSeconds >= 0);
//============================================================================== /** Reset to a new sample rate and ramp length. @param sampleRate The sample rate @param rampLengthInSeconds The duration of the ramp in seconds */ void reset (double sampleRate, double rampLengthInSeconds) noexcept { jassert (sampleRate > 0 && rampLengthInSeconds >= 0); reset ((int) std::floor (rampLengthInSeconds * sampleRate)); }
The details in Visual Studio say
rampLengthInSeconds 0.020000000000000000 double sampleRate -1.0000000000000000 double this 0x000000000d2ffe30 {step=0.000000000 stepsToTarget=0 } juce::SmoothedValue<float,juce::ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear> *
I'm assuming a sample rate of -1 is causing the problem here?
Hitting Continue gets me to the next break at
jassert (newNumSamples >= 0);
//============================================================================== /** Changes the buffer's size or number of channels. This can expand or contract the buffer's length, and add or remove channels. If keepExistingContent is true, it will try to preserve as much of the old data as it can in the new buffer. If clearExtraSpace is true, then any extra channels or space that is allocated will be also be cleared. If false, then this space is left uninitialised. If avoidReallocating is true, then changing the buffer's size won't reduce the amount of memory that is currently allocated (but it will still increase it if the new size is bigger than the amount it currently has). If this is false, then a new allocation will be done so that the buffer uses takes up the minimum amount of memory that it needs. Note that if keepExistingContent and avoidReallocating are both true, then it will only avoid reallocating if neither the channel count or length in samples increase. If the required memory can't be allocated, this will throw a std::bad_alloc exception. */ void setSize (int newNumChannels, int newNumSamples, bool keepExistingContent = false, bool clearExtraSpace = false, bool avoidReallocating = false) { jassert (newNumChannels >= 0); jassert (newNumSamples >= 0);
Visual studio details say:
avoidReallocating false bool newNumChannels 2 int newNumSamples -1 int this 0x000000000d2ffd08 {numChannels=0 size=0 allocatedBytes=0 ...} juce::AudioBuffer<float> *
After continuing, the plugin finally loads.
Clicking on the sound card settings dialog will throw an exception:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB549BFEBA (ntdll.dll) in reaper.exe: 0xC0000008: An invalid handle was specified.
avoidReallocating false bool newNumChannels 2 int newNumSamples -1 int this 0x00000000689f16a8 {numChannels=0 size=0 allocatedBytes=0 ...} juce::AudioBuffer<float> *
Changing the buffer size for my ASIO device to 1024 causes a break at :
bool LockHelpers::noMessageThreadBeyondInitialisation(const MainController* mc) { bool ok = !isMessageThreadBeyondInitialisation(mc); // If you hit this assertion, it means you have called a function // from the message thread that you are not supposed to do jassert(ok); return ok;
If I hit Continue a few times, it will pass the break point.
After playing for a minute, I get a break at:
jassert(numThisTime % HISE_EVENT_RASTER == 0);
else if (buffer.getNumSamples() > HISE_MAX_PROCESSING_BLOCKSIZE) { int numChannels = buffer.getNumChannels(); int numToDo = buffer.getNumSamples(); auto ptrs = (float**)alloca(numChannels * sizeof(float*) * numChannels); memcpy(ptrs, buffer.getArrayOfWritePointers(), sizeof(float*) * numChannels); int start = 0; while (numToDo > 0) { auto numThisTime = jmin(numToDo, HISE_MAX_PROCESSING_BLOCKSIZE); jassert(numThisTime % HISE_EVENT_RASTER == 0); AudioSampleBuffer chunk(ptrs, numChannels, numThisTime); delayedMidiBuffer.clear(); delayedMidiBuffer.addEvents(midiMessages, start, numThisTime, -start); start += numThisTime; numToDo -= numThisTime; for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) ptrs[i] += numThisTime; mc->processBlockCommon(chunk, delayedMidiBuffer); } }
numThisTime 100 int numToDo 100 int this 0x000000004e164608 {pimpl={object=0x000000004db56760 {hostType {type=Reaper (25) } leakDetector861={...} } } ...} hise::DelayedRenderer * pimpl {object=0x000000004db56760 {hostType={type=Reaper (25) } leakDetector861={...} } } juce::ScopedPointer<hise::DelayedRenderer::Pimpl> mc 0x000000004e164230 {deactivatedBecauseOfMemoryLimitation=false updater={suspendState=true parent={deactivatedBecauseOfMemoryLimitation=...} } ...} hise::MainController * {hise::FrontendProcessor}
If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.
Does it happen with the standalone version or just the plugin?
@d-healey I haven't tested standalone yet. I'm only getting reports from Reaper users about this one.
Just to be sure, I should probably fire up Cubase and PT to check. -
The big issue I'm trying to track down is a Runtime error.. but I can't make it happen on my rig.
In Cubase, I get some additional breakpoints:
jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (sampleIndex, size));
/** Returns a writeable pointer to one of the buffer's channels. For speed, this doesn't check whether the channel number or index are out of range, so be careful when using it! Note that if you're not planning on writing to the data, you should use getReadPointer instead. */ Type* getWritePointer (int channelNumber, int sampleIndex) noexcept { jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (channelNumber, numChannels)); jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (sampleIndex, size)); isClear = false; return channels[channelNumber] + sampleIndex; }
- this 0x000000002e92f110 {numChannels=2 size=0 allocatedBytes=0 ...} juce::AudioBuffer<float> * allocatedBytes 0 unsigned __int64 + channels 0x000000002e92f130 {0x000000005844f0f0 {-4.85710463e-17}} float * * + allocatedData {data=0x0000000000000000 <NULL> } juce::HeapBlock<char,1> + preallocatedChannelSpace 0x000000002e92f130 {0x000000005844f0f0 {-4.85710463e-17}, 0x000000005844f8f0 {-4.85710463e-17}, 0x0000000000000000 {...}, ...} float *[32] isClear false bool leakDetector1130 {...} juce::LeakedObjectDetector<juce::AudioBuffer<float> >
jassert(sizeMatches && channelMatches);
struct PointerWatcher { #if JUCE_DEBUG PointerWatcher(ProcessData& data) : dataToWatch(data), c(data.numChannels), size(data.size) { memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(d),, data.numChannels * sizeof(float*)); } ~PointerWatcher() { bool sizeMatches = dataToWatch.size = size; bool channelMatches = dataToWatch.numChannels = c; // You've managed to change the channel amount or block size during processing jassert(sizeMatches && channelMatches); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { if ([i] != d[i]) { // You've managed to change the pointers during processing. jassertfalse; } } }
Is it an issue with setting the channel amount at initialization?
Test it with standalone before anything else. Using a DAW may complicate the issue if the problem has nothing to do with the DAW, and using two DAWs could be even less helpful. If there is no problem with the standalone then we look at the plugin.
Here's what I'm seeing on a standalone:
Initialising Standalone Wrapper Creating Device Manager Create Main Processor Loading embedded image data Loading embedded impulse responses Loading embedded other data Creating Frontend Processor Create Shared Cache Pool for AudioFilePool Create Shared Cache Pool for ImagePool Create Shared Cache Pool for SampleMapPool Create Shared Cache Pool for MidiFilePool Initialising MainController Checking license Load images Load embedded audio files Load samplemaps Load Midi Files Restoring main container Compiling all scripts JUCE Assertion failure in juce_smoothedvalue.h:248 Test_Debug x64.exe has triggered a breakpoint. JUCE Assertion failure in juce_audiosamplebuffer.h:347 Test_Debug x64.exe has triggered a breakpoint. Adding plugin parameters Restoring global settings Setting disk mode Samples are validated. Skipping reference check Loading samples Initialise Audio Driver... Audio Driver Default Initialisation 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dsound.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\MMDevAPI.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\devobj.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wdmaud.drv'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ksuser.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\avrt.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msacm32.drv'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msacm32.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\midimap.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ResourcePolicyClient.dll'. Symbols loaded. Error initialising with default settings: The input and output devices don't share a common sample rate! OK Creating Interface Creating Root Panel 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d2d1.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\DWrite.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d3d10warp.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'Test_Debug x64.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\coloradapterclient.dll'. Symbols loaded. JUCE Assertion failure in juce_smoothedvalue.h:248 Test_Debug x64.exe has triggered a breakpoint. Resizing interface Change scale factor The thread 0x4174 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x4fe0 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x4f5c has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x271c has exited with code 0 (0x0).
It couldn't initialize the audio driver, but I'm not sure if that's an issue or not. It did, however, have the same 2 SampleRate breakpoints as exibited in the plugin version.
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_smoothedvalue.h:248 JUCE Assertion failure in juce_audiosamplebuffer.h:347
I don't know if this is part of the issue
Error initialising with default settings: The input and output devices don't share a common sample rate!
Is it a control on your interface that is triggering the failure in juce_smoothedvalue?
@d-healey said in Debugging with Reaper:
Is it a control on your interface that is triggering the failure in juce_smoothedvalue?
I'm dissecting the code now.
Making some progress. I've found the cause of the following breakpoint
bool LockHelpers::noMessageThreadBeyondInitialisation(const MainController* mc) { bool ok = !isMessageThreadBeyondInitialisation(mc); // If you hit this assertion, it means you have called a function // from the message thread that you are not supposed to do jassert(ok); return ok; }
Here's a minimized snippet of the problem code:
HiseSnippet 1034.3oc6WE0aaaCDlxIbsVaFaAn+.D7SJnYoxINoEqnctw1oyXMIF0YEaOUPKQawEJRAI51
The code uses a scriptFX module to collect the Host sample rate and passes that to a global variable. I'm using a deferred callback to set the text of a label to the global variable.
Here's a thread where we originally discussed this method: -
Does the problem occur if you don't defer the callback?
Oh never mind, I just looked at the thread you linked to. Christoph suggested deferring the on init callback. Have you tried that?
@d-healey said in Debugging with Reaper:
Christoph suggested deferring the on init callback. Have you tried that?
I believe that's what I'm doing. onInit looks like this:
Content.makeFrontInterface(200, 100); global HostSampleRate; const var SampleRateLabel = Content.getComponent("SampleRateLabel"); //Defer SampleRate Timer const var DeferTimerStart = Engine.createTimerObject(); DeferTimerStart.startTimer(100); var dt = 0; DeferTimerStart.setTimerCallback(function() { dt = dt+1; if (dt == 5) { SampleRateLabel.set("text","Sample Rate: " + HostSampleRate); DeferTimerStart.stopTimer(); } });
is what you need. It will defer all callbacks in that script (which is what you generally want in an interface script). -
just posting some notes here for when I forget what I did 2 weeks ago
Separate MIDI processing logic from Interface scripts Although both things can be achieved with the same module (the Script Processor), it can be considered as good practice to keep these two things separated. The reason is (apart from the usual encapsulation benefits) a huge performance increase if you defer the interface script. Deferring a script means running all callbacks that are triggered by MIDI messages or the timer on the message thread instead of the audio thread. It comes with some trade-offs (you can't change the midi message with a deferred callback or rely on the accuracy of the timer), but since it is not running on the audio thread, you can do (almost) whatever you want in any of the callbacks without having to risk a drop out (in the worst case, the interface will get laggy). Deferring a script is simple: just call Synth.deferCallbacks(true); and from then, the callbacks will stay away from the audio thread. These are some things that heavily rely on the deferred callback feature: setting text values of labels according to MIDI input using the timer for animation purposes heavy calculations from MIDI input
It's also covered here in the docs:
@d-healey Synth.deferCallbacks(true); worked like a charm!
Next up: While playing audio in a loop, I'm getting a breakpoint at:
JUCE Assertion failure in customdatacontainers.h:933
/** Adds an element to the queue. If it fails because the queue is full, it throws an assertion and return false. */ bool push(const ElementType& newElement) { const bool ok = queue.try_enqueue(std::move(newElement)); jassert_skip_unit_test(ok); return ok; }
Looks like something to do with arrays perhaps...?
I forgot to mention... Standalone loads properly after deferring the callback. I have now moved on to vst3/Reaper testing
@Christoph-Hart It throws this error continuously while audio is playing.
@d-healey The main header reads:
/** A wrapper around moodycamels ReaderWriterQueue with more JUCE like interface and some assertions. */
I'm thinking it's not array data.
@dustbro First time I've heard of moodycamels! Something to do with this I think -